YOTEEN is designed for teenagers and everyone else who cares about themselves

Adolescence is a special age. You are not a child anymore, but you are not yet an adult. Moods, body, and skin change, and it is during this period that you learn to take care of yourself, nurture your skin, and find the right tools for yourself. And although today some may say that the use of environmentally friendly products is just a fad, we are convinced that such products are the most suitable for taking care of your body.

We created YOTEEN as a space where teenagers (and not only them) can find interesting, natural body care products, accessories and gifts for themselves or their friends.

YOTEEN will help you discover what suits YOU best.


  • About YOTEEN

    The idea for the YOTEEN e-shop came from us, three teenagers, to offer our peers teen-friendly skin care products, accessories, gift ideas and other fun things. We believe that here every teenager can find a product that they like, no matter what their skin, style or opinion is.

  • Why should you choose our store?

    YOTEEN's goal is to give teenagers the opportunity to purchase and use age-appropriate products to ensure proper self-care. After all, the first thing in life is to love and protect yourself.

    We carefully select which manufacturers we can represent and first of all choose socially responsible brands whose products are environmentally friendly. We believe that natural body care products are best for teenage skin.

    Although we are not adults, we care about the ideas of sustainability. In our store, we offer only high-quality goods that are made from natural or recycled materials.

Atstovaujami prekiniai ženklai

YOUFREEN (Vokietija)


KALLIOPE'S (Graikija)

BARE ADDICTION (Didžioji Britanija)

MONSI (Lietuva)

BONOBO (Estija)

ZAO (Prancūzija)

DEDOLES (Slovakija)